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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Baltimore Orioles' announcer Gary Thorne should resign: alleges Curt Schilling's "bloody" sock was a fake! Go to hell Thorne!

Fewer things are more sensitive to Sox fans than hearing their hometown heroes get bashed by the outside media. But when it comes to Baltimore Orioles' announcer Gary Thorne's insinuation last evening during the Red Sox-Orioles game that the bloody sock worn by Curt Schilling during the 2004 World Series was a fake, and a stunt by the Sox to create a public relations stunt - then it means going too far.

As Sox fans will remember, Sox Ace Curt Schilling suffered a traumatic injury to his ankle during the 2004 season which worsened by the time the 2004 play-off series against the Yankees came around. The only option available was for Dr. Bill Morgan to drill sutures directly into the ankle . A few weeks later during the World Series, the surgery was repeated, but this time blood clearly leaked through the stitching, and soaked Schilling's sock - enough for the media cameras to pick up on. Despite the pain and agony, Schilling went on to lead the Sox to the 2004 World Series victory.

And now, Gary Thorne, citing Red Sox catcher Doug Mirabelli as his source reports the bloody sock was "painted" red for effect and drama. Mirabelli came out swinging in a television interview today, ripping Thorne and referring to him as a liar. Later today, Thorne has backed off on his comments, citing it as a joke, and a misunderstanding.

Well, its no joke.

Schilling could have sacrificed his career to pitch under those circumstances. The injury was very serious. And to wrongfully put back up catcher Mirabelli in a bad place with his own teammates by making false accusations that he was the "source" of this lie is about as foul as it goes. It's not just shoddy journalism, its close to slander as it gets.

Even current Baltimore first baseman, Kevin Millar, who was a member of the 2004 Championship team came out in defense of Schilling saying, "it was 100% blood... why are we even talking about this?"

Good question, Millar.

But the next question is why is Gary Thorne still employed by the Orioles? Do they make it their business to run a libel or slandermill? Maybe its high time that Gary Thorne hit the high road and the Orioles separate themselves from this kind of madness. Baseball has enough controversy in it without the like of Thorne poisoning the environment with lies!

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