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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Public Service Request....West Hartford needs you!

Let me take a few minutes out from my usual diatribe on this or that, I want to extend a challenge to the residents of West Hartford who are looking to get involved in the community in some way or another. There are a lot of great opportunities for residents to contribute to our first class community (other than politics - anyone can do that), and I'd like to ask that for those of you in good health who are active and sportsminded - that you please consider helping out as a coach, umpire, or referee in our West Harford recreational sports programs.

West Hartford can proudly boast that we are one of the most active sports communities in the entire State of Connecticut! But our young people need the support of the adults in the community to make their "field of dreams" come true.

Each year hundreds of kids participate in baseball, softball, and soccer (to name only a few), and there are just not enough officials and coaches to support the demand. And you don't have to be an expert in any sport, or have even played it to learn and become an official, or coach. We will train you! West Hartford is one of the few towns that will not only train you, but will also reimburse you for training (and for some sports even provide you a uniform) - as long as you keep your commitment to follow through with helping out in the sport that you take training in.

The work is very rewarding; you will know that you're doing something special to help the kids learn and grow . And remember, besides the positive general physical fitness aspects learned through playing sports, kids who grow up playing team sports learn the value of teamwork, confidence, competition, well being, and leadership - all skills that they will use for the remainder of their lives.

So what do you have to lose? Talk to the West Hartford Recreation Department (Leisure Services) about how you can help. You can make all the difference in the world to these young people! And keep in shape to boot!

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