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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday morning rant: biding the time as we wait for number two to arrive, and my first Referee report!

This expects to be a big week, with "number two" expected to arrive this week. But thoughts are now that with the due date of Tuesday, May 8th just on the horizon, that it could certainly go beyond anything that we might have had planned. We expected to go in on Tuesday, and by the doctors' initial thoughts, we scheduled the 8th as our "go-date". But after a visit with the doc this past week, we are opting to go natural, and let our little one come when its ready. Planning is always easier with a second child, but we are opting skipping induction and going for the full drama.

So as I expect the call at the most inopportune moment, I'll keep the car gased, cell phone fully charged, and ringer on full blast!

Notwithstanding the wait for the imminent arrival of number two, and on the orders of the spousal-unit, I kept myself busy! My lawn received its first trimming and cut yesterday, and I'm feeling the pain involved in deep knee bends, weeding, digging and trimming everything to death. And I bought a new "power tool" yesterday - a hedgehog. It's true what they say about power tools and guys - power tools are awesome! And now I know how Edward Sissorhands felt. Man! (Speaking of which - see the new adaptation stage show about Edward Sissorhands here.)

Yesterday, I also ref'd a game for the U-14 girls. Boy, one thing is for sure - the parents can be relentless. And when you play the role of assistant referee (formally referred to as "linesman") you get to hear the commentary up close and personal. So yesterday, I had this parent sitting in a lawn chair my quadrant (I reffed as Assistant Referee 2 [AR2] - opposite side of the team benches (aka the "technical area"). You know the type - loud, large, opinionated, critical - and what was worse was that he was an annoying Yankee fan (could tell by his hat). All the characteristics of "trouble".

During the game, he became very critical of the center referee over a few calls that might have been otherwise deemed fouls had they not be ignored in lieu of "advantage" for the team that maintained possession and was quickly moving the ball up field. The parent continued to make critical remarks after two close plays, and finally the center referee warned him, and told him that if it continued, he would removed from the spectator area.

I also had to turn to the spectator twice, and asked him to refrain from criticism. And it wasn't just talking, it was meant to detract from the game, and get other spectators worked up. Some of the banter is just that... but it was rude of him to make fun of the Center Ref's age and make comments that were downright derogatory. I told him "please not criticize the refs", of course he was so smart - he replied "oh, I'm just talking to myself.".

But I guess this is what you can expect. Other than that, I had a good game. I made a few offsides calls, and one was ignored by the Center Ref, which prompted our friendly spectator to offer further criticism of the Center - which he did by calling someone on his cell phone to tell the story of what he'd seen, but all in all - it was a good game - well played, and with no cards issued.
I think this "reffing business" is certainly the kind of thing where you improve over time. There is so much to monitor during a soccer game simply because the action is in constant flow with 22 players all doing their own thing across an enormous playing area, and lots of rules to enforce about so many things. It was a good first experience which I came away fully satisfied with, and I look forward to more games.

Today I will be taking on the role of Center Referee. I can only help that my brain and eyes are working properly and that I make the right calls. God help the kids, and God help me!

And for those who were looking for a follow up comment on yesterday's EPL action: As I had hoped, West Ham defeated Bolton 3-1, and Wigan fell to Middlesborough 1-0. Karma is coming back to haunt Wigan for trying to push West Ham down to relegation through legal action instead of through hard work and winning games. Keep in up West Ham! Today you sit at Number 17. Next week, you need to keep the pressure on!

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