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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Thoughts on Memorial Day in West Hartford & Parade Detail

West Hartford has consistently done an excellent job of celebrating Memorial Day over the years. And I'm sure that this year will be no exception.
Even the past years replays on our cable access channel (minus the speeches by Lil' Jonathan Harris) are worth viewing over and over again. One smiles at the children parading down Farmington Aveune carrying flags, feels respect for the older veterans decked out in WWII military uniforms as they ride in antique cars , and feels hearts sink as specific stories are retold at the podium behind West Hartford town hall of how men - we have known - have given their lives for this great country.

Memorial Day should be celebrated by all of us. From Bunker Hill to Iraq, Americans have given their lives in the cause of freedom - our freedom from tyranny and oppression, and madmen who would wish to see us and our western allies wiped off the face of the Earth.
Democracy has a price that is paid in blood and death, and will continue to be paid in blood and death as long as Democratic Republics exist and human beings never surrender the will to be free. Not everyone agrees or understands that war is a necessary evil. In fact there are those around us that simply cannot bridge the gap between war and freedom; many of these people are well meaning, but cannot grip the hard reality that violence and death are the necessary results of defending that freedom. Sadly, some will never get it. And those people are to be ignored.
Instead, we should focus on those men and woman who have gone before us. And celebrate their lives. And think on their ultimate sacrafice.
Men and woman who have given their lives for our country are our true heroes - not our sports team, hollywood idols, or politicians. They have given their lives - not so we can eat hotdogs and hamburgers once a year or attend a parade - but so we can live the way we do each and every day - 365 days a year. I've provided the parade information below. Please attend and pay homage to our true heroes, and remember.

West Hartford parade information from

The town's parade begins at 10 a.m. from the corner of Woodrow Street and Farmington Avenue. It will proceed east on Farmington Avenue, turn south on South Main Street and continue to town hall. State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is the honorary parade marshal. Leading the procession will be the grand marshal, 1st Lt. Jean-Paul Berard, US Army Reserves. He is a World War II veteran of the Pacific Theater and a retired West Hartford teacher.The Rev. Rick Hansen of the United Methodist Church will be parade chaplain, and Tim Hussey of the Conard High School band will be parade bugler. A service will be held at the Veterans' Memorial at Farmington Avenue and North Main Street.The Central Connecticut Region of the Antique Car Club of America have invited veterans and their spouses to ride the parade route in one of their antique cars. Veterans wishing to do so should be at the entrance to town hall at 9:15 a.m.

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