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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Trinity Episcopal Church, Bristol joins CANA: Robinson not invited to Lambeth

It's one of the missions of this blog to bring you key updates on the state of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut and abroad, and the latest news on the upcoming schism between the Anglican Communion and the Episcopal Church. Here are a few points to pass on, one local, one national:

Here is a snippet from a Press Release on Trinity Church (sanctuary pictured right), Bristol, Connecticut, from the Mission of the Church of Nigeria:

Trinity Church in Bristol, Connecticut, A pre-Revolutionary War parish that was established in 1747, Trinity Church built its first church building on Federal Hill Green in then New Cambridge in 1754. Trinity Church is one of the “Connecticut Six”, a group of Anglican congregations within the state of Connecticut who have sought to maintain their historic connections with the wider Anglican Communion despite continuing legal challenges initiated by the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut. Today, Trinity Church is an active worshipping community of approximately 130 under the leadership of the Rev’d Donald Helmandollar.

Here is a link to a story in the New Haven Register regarding Trinity's leaving the ECUSA. And another here from the Courant.

We at The King's View applaud the Bristol Church, Rev'd Helmandollar, and all its members for taking this positive and challenging step forward. Everyone realizes that it's been a tough road "going it alone" and taking on Bishop Dean Smith and his pack of lawyers and cronies. Smith's tough armed approach with the Connecticut Six will never be forgotten. We are just happy that the folks at Trinity, Bristol have found a home in the Anglican Communion where they can worship peacefully and in harmony with the Communion.

Rev'd Helmandollar's quote in the Courant article is worth repeating to underline the reason that that the ECUSA is falling apart and churches around the country are bolting the madness in the ECUSA:

"The defining issue for us is the absolute revisionist view of Scripture within the Episcopal Church, the idea that man wrote the Bible, so man can change it, " Helmandollar said. "You'll hear such things from the Episcopal Church. We firmly believe we do not have the authority to do that. We firmly believe it is the word of God and it's not to be changed."

Also noted this week... this comes at a time when the Anglican Church is preparing for the 2008 Lambeth Conference, where last week it was reported that gay activist and open homosexual alleged-Bishop Gene Robinson will not be invited to the Conference. The Conference could set the final stage for the removal of the Episcopal Church from the Anglican Communion due to the Episcopal Church's embarrassing incorporation of a new revisionist Christian doctrine.

It's clear that based on reports out of London that the Primates are becoming increasing frustrated with the Archbishop of Canterbury over his patience with the American Church (ECUSA) and for the fact that he will be taking a three month break from the activity. It's my own view that the Archbishop Williams is probably biding time and hoping that the ECUSA comes to its senses on all of this; but this isn't likely to happen given the leadership in the ECUSA which is hell-bent on moving further left in its interpretation of Scripture.

I, for one, would like to see Archbishop Williams take a tougher stand with the ECUSA, and perhaps that will come in time. At this point, I don't want to mistake any misinterpretation of inaction or "careful approach" by the Archbishop as a sign that he is siding with the ECUSA or not up for the task. I'm sure this is a tough matter for him and he thinks about the fact that his legacy could be that of the Archbishop who helped boot the ECUSA out of the Anglican Communion. From a human standpoint, I'm sure that's got to be gut-wrenching, and painful.

But the Archbishop should keep in mind that its the leadership of the ECUSA that brought this acid rain down upon all of us. And the Primates and other conservative (and moderate) voices have had enough with the ECUSA's polity. And if it helps, think about the way that Bishop Andrew Smith has ruthlessly treated the Connecticut Six - ripping the churches out from under the parishioners, and how Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori has basically threatened a ninety year old man with excommunication hearings and such, and the many other nasty methods and attacks she has employed on dozens of parishes across the United States. Just what is Christian about Jeffert Schori's strong-armed tactics?

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see others here voicing their opposition to what drove me from TEC a few years ago. If you get a chance, see what my approach has been in regards to TEC @


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