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Friday, June 22, 2007

Bloomfield Connecticut Amateur Radio Club Press Release regarding Field Day activity - June 23 -24

I try to promote Amateur Radio as often as possible for all the good it does in so many ways. Many Ham Radio operators who are residents of West Hartford are either members of the Bloomfield Club or the Newington Amateur Radio League. (West Hartford doesn't have its own club and there probably isn't a need with two neighboring towns carrying that distinction.)

Here is the Press Release regarding the Bloomfield Amateur Radio Club's Field Day activity:


The Bloomfield Amateur Radio Club Field Day site is at the Picnic Pavilion, about 200 yards south of the Heublein Tower in Talcott Mountain State Park in Simsbury, CT ( .

Access by Foot: Walk 1.5 miles from the Talcott Mountain State Park parking lot, where the main entrance is on Simsbury Road (CT Route 178).

Access by Vehicle: Turn onto Montevideo Road off of US Route 44 at the top of Avon Mountain (right hand turn going west from West Hartford to Avon).

There is 24-hour access to flush toilets and running water. The club applies annually for a permit to use the facilities for the two days of the event.

Field Day setup is at 8:00 AM on Saturday, June 23. This annual operating event starts at 2:00 PM Saturday, June 23, and ends at 2:00 PM Sunday, June 24.

Talk-in is on the W1CWA repeater, 146.82, -600Khz offset, No PL.The station Class for the event is usually 3A and typically there are 4 HF antennas erected. Modes of operation will be voice, Morse code, and digital. HF, VHF and UHF frequencies will be used. Specific equipment will be operated from portable emergency power using antennas erected for the frequencies and modes mentioned.

We welcome you to observe amateur radio in operation and to participate as well.

Please check out the story and photos of our Field Day 2005 at web site:

For further information, please contact Mark Simcik, President, WA1VVB (860-243-1887) or Dan Arnold, Secretary, W1CNI (860-242-4541, W1CNI@ARRL.NET) or visit our web sites: and .


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