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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

West Hartford Budget Referendum "official" results

Here are the OFFICIAL results of the West Hartford Budget Referendum:

Yes: 2939

No: 7893

All I can say is WOW. That is a resounding rejection of the budget! I have to admit, I'm very surprised with the margin of victory for working families!

Thank you residents of West Hartford for making the West Hartford Town Council, Board of Education, and all town officials work a little harder when it comes to spending YOUR money. Perhaps now, they will buckle town and make some real cuts and concessions on the budget.

It's hard for some to understand, but this is a very good thing for all of us. Even those supporting the budget thought it was flawed and lousy. Now they have a directive from the people to go in there and make it right!

Way to go West Hartford! Way to Go!!

Official results will be certified tomorrow.

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