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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Birthday Party a success!

First things first -- where's the ibuprofin?

Yes, we had a grand time with my daughter's second birthday, and everything went off as planned with plenty of fun in the sun. As usual she was spoiled (as she should be) and received so many nice gifts from all of our friends and family.

It's a lot of work, but these are the events that bring folks together to celebrate and enjoy the good times in a child's life. So we are all grateful to be able to take time out from our busy lives to just soak in the happiness and blessings that you receive from spending time with those who you seem to never get a chance to see enough of.

And of course, being able to see your daughter break out into a huge smile and laugh while being surrounded to a chorus of "Happy Birthday" is simply -- priceless!

With another birthday come and gone (well, sort of - today she opens up presents from us - these never made it to the present pile, I guess), we are happy to enjoy the rest of the weekend recovering and getting things back in order.

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