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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Nessie Type Monster spotted in China! Banned Cartoon Site found

Chinese Nessie?

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the Chinese Water.... Chinese news is reporting this story.

Nessie's Cousin... Chang was spotted, and someone was quick to capture the "monster" on video.
It's worth a look! It might only be a big fish, but Chinese National TV found it interesting enough to run a story on, so we picked it up too.

Banned Cartoons found

And in the pro-freedom catagory, I thought I'd add this link to some of our most historic cartoons. It today's society, they would be considered stereotypical and offensive, but by yesterday's standards - some were downright patriotic. Particularly, those that poked fun at Adolf and his menacing allies.

While some may not appreciate the historical aspects of these cartoons, others do. While I wouldn't expect to see these cartoons to be aired on regular Saturday mornings, but I would like to see them showcased on World War II anniversaries, Veterans Day, and Memorial Day.

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