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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Petit Case: Judge agrees that its capital felony material

It was good to read this week that Connecticut State Attorney Michael Dearington will seek the death penalty against murdering thugs, Steven Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsky, who took the innocent lives of the Petit children and mother last week, after torturing and raping them, according to sources.

Further investigation shows that the geniuses over at the State of Connecticut Parole Board had incomplete information when they decided to release the two murdering thugs, Steven Hayes, Joshua Komisarjevsky from prison.

West Hartford's own Bob Farr, who joined the parole board in February, should provide State attorneys and investigators access to all pertinent information, and all methods and transcripts used to determine whether or not someone should be set free. Bob Farr, as a neighbor and West Harfordite, we look to you to clamp down on what is obviously an open sewer portal. You can't change what happened last week, but you can make sure that fewer rats slip through the cracks.

My personal view on the entire judicial system is that we need to focus less on criminal rights and more on the rights of law abiding citizens. This is yet another example where the judicial system failed again, and liberals - focused on the rights of criminals, rapists, murderers, thieves, drug dealers and the lot have hurt us once again.

For the record, its a fact - liberals are soft on crime and sentencing for villains in our midst. Conservatives and normal people believe that the Steven Hayeses and Joshua Komisarjevskys, and their friends aught to be put to death by the incineration as quickly as possible. No pony shows, no time allowed for liberals and religious anti-death penalty zealots to act up, just a quick, painful death. Sound tough? Well, tough s**t! Ask poor Mr. Petit, who will have to live with this nightmare for the rest of his life.

Also, check out the excerpts folks. It's a heart breaker. And yet there are actually people in this world criticizing the decision to seek the death penalty. Yeah, and those are the people who are on the public dole willing to sell out our safety to keep two murderers alive and well. You have to ask, what kind of person would have no sense of morality and common decency. Just ask Robert Nave and Thomas Ulman. They seem to be in the villain's court.

Mr. Dearington, put them out of business for good!

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