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Monday, July 9, 2007

Strategy of Episcopal Church Leaders revealed!

This essay captured by David Virtue gets to the heart of the strategy created by Episcopal Church leaders, including Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori and her attorney David Booth Beers, when it comes to dealing with traditional Christian-Anglican Churches.

The question is will the Courts eventually intervene to protect freedom of religion issues that may be raised by parishioners in traditional dioceses? Or will the Court ignore the matter and allow the liberal perpetrators to steamroll traditional Anglicans?

The obvious point to make that is clearly being lost is that the overbearing position of Episcopal Leaders is simply anti-Christian. The fact is that even if they [Schori and her crowd] manage to choke out individual parishes and steal away their Houses of Worship, they won't be able to simply plant a new rector of their choosing with the expectation that all of a sudden the parish will flourish under the new age Episcopal banner - and they know this.

In their selfish view, they'd rather the parish die out, and Christians of a differing (traditional) viewpoint literally die off, or leave the Church. Why? Because deep down they know that over the long run they can't survive or compete with a traditional Anglican/Episcopal Church. After a while, the emptiness of what the new age folks have to offer will decompose the Church and their will be little left to maintain in an empty and pitiful congregation of liberal activists.

I hope the Archbishop of Canterbury sees what is happening here. And sees the megalomania involved by ECUSA Leaders.

What other course of action can their be? The Archbishop should move immediately to excommunicate the Episcopal Church United States.

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