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Friday, August 10, 2007

English Premier League Kicks off tomorrow!

The official season of the English Premier League (EPL) kicks off tomorrow, and it looks like the games will be as exciting as last year - which is great news for those of us who love the sport of Soccer as played by the Europe's and World's greatest and most formidable league.

This brings me to a question that I've been toying with off and on regarding this blog and how to incorporate EPL updates as part of my regular ramblings. The question I've been asking is should I set up a separate blog for that purpose, or should updates continue here as key developments unfold? I don't intend to set up a blog or webpage that provides up to the minute scores or details of trades and so forth - as that is well covered by both Fox Soccer Channel's website and ESPN's Soccer site. And to their credit the coverage is good enough for the average fan.

In the coming days, I'll either set up a new blog, or decide to keep my soccer ramblings to a once a week thing.

But no matter what happens, I'm ready to watch Chelsea, Man U, Tottenham, West Ham, Liverpool, Newcastle and the host of other teams that are ready to take to the pitch. This will come as a huge disappointment to my wife and kids. The television will be centered around soccer which means that nonsense shows, soaps, reality TV, and Barney will have to take a hike. If Barney wants viewing time, he'd better put on a Chelsea Jersey and shag his fat, purple self onto the pitch.

Now how many parents would pay to see Barney slide-tackled. I'd pitch in a few bucks toward the Red Card suspension fee. Wouldn't you?

In the meantime, trying to figure out who was transferred to where? There have been a lot of trades in the EPL over the summer, so you may want to look here so your not surprised to see players like Alan Smith wearing a Newcastle Jersey over the weekend!

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