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Thursday, September 13, 2007

A blog that leaves you smiling... and Scotland beats France at home!

I found this blog this morning called a.k.a. Dr. Finger's Blog.

I was out in search of some additional articles on the fabulous win yesterday by Scotland over France, 1-0, and accidentally stumbled across his blog. It's nice to see a blog (unlike this one) that is so well organized and so well written.

So, in my moment of (what a lie... how about hours of endless) exultation over England's defeat of Russia, I forgot to comment over the far more significant story about Scotland's soccer victory.

In fact, shows like Fox Soccer Channel's simulcast of the Canadian-run soccer show All through the Night headlined the Scotland win as the number one story. And rightfully so. For Scotland to have marched into France, and play a team so well-respected in the football community as World Cup Champions, and pull out not only a win, but a defensive shut out is amazing to say the least. For the 2008 Euro qualifiers, Scotland defeated France both at home and now away which may just about guarantee their advancement to the next round. The Scots have something to really beat their chests about today. Congrats!

So as not to offend others on the British Isles, I should also report a fine victory by Wales yesterday over Slovakia. The story is here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nice comment about our blog! It's really to try and help people get into the English language, but it often ends up just as popular with native English speakers because of the funny videos!

    Anyway - Aston Villa to win the league this year? Whatdayathink?

    Desde EspaƱa, hasta luego

    Dr. Fingers


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