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Saturday, November 17, 2007

BONDS* Indicted bt a Grand Jury: Thank God!

Sometimes the judicial system can really surprise you.

The story that is out everywhere that Bonds* was indicted by a Grand Jury brought a sincere smile to my face since this arrogant cheater has been thumbing his nose at players, fans, and MLB authorities for years now. ESPN can hang it's head in shame now - Bonds* on Bonds*, indeed.

Now there's only three things left to do to complete justice due to our Nation's century's old past-time:

1. Expunge Bond's phony record; Let "The Great" Mr. Henry "Hank" Aaron - a hero, a champion's champion, and true man of merit retain his home run crown.

2. Block Barry Bonds* from ever entering in the Baseball Hall of Fame. This lying creep belongs in the Hall of Shame.

3. Ban Barry Bonds* from ever putting on a Major League Baseball uniform again. Fans deserve to see athleticism on the field, not drug enhanced pretenders.

Just when you thought the Chicago White Sox scandal was baseball's biggest hoax - Bonds* has topped them all. Rest easy Shoeless Joe, now there's someone far worse than you.

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