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Monday, December 10, 2007

Where ya' leaning King?

It's funny, but we are only a few months out from Presidential primary elections and I find myself pondering the tough question of who I plan to support this year for the Republican Nominee.

I have to say that no one immediately stands out as the hands down winner when I weigh all of the issues and perspectives that they bring to the table. And I don't find our field particularly strong when it come to charismatic figures that sweep me off my feet.

A lot of this commentary is probably short-sighted since I haven't devoted hours, twisting and turning over the pros and cons of each candidate. I simply look at the field, squint, and say BLAAAAAHHH!
The problem for me is that I take all the nominees and ask, "Which one of these is MOST LIKE Ronald Reagan?" Of course, that's like asking which hamburg meat tastes like filet mignon? And the answer will always be the same - no comparison. And its remarkable how often "Double R" comes up in speeches by these candidates.
Here Mitt Romney uses Ronald Reagan's restrictive tax policies to attack Mike Huckabee.
Here Mike Huckabee's Reaganesq points are carved out by a blogger (same fashion as stated by the candidate himself)
Here Fred Thompson is compared with Ronald Reagan
Here John McCain's staff invokes "The Gipper"
And the rest do the same, over and over again, you hear the cries that they too are the direct decedents to the Reagan legacy and throne. Well, not really guys. You might think you are like Ronald Reagan, but you are all far from it.
So where does that leave me? Not very far I imagine.
Since its easier to talk about what I don't like, I guess I'll start there, and work backwards to a decision:
John McCain - Historical record of collaborating with the left on some issues - most notoriously on campaign finance reform. They are going to put that on his grave stone when he dies. Further, he doesn't look very well health wise, and I'm looking for someone to pull a healthy eight year term.
Mitt Romney - While I think his faith makes him a conservative on many issues, he still strikes me as willing to spend a boatload on unnecessary programs. I'm concerned about how he'd tackle health care and manage the budget. I'm not concerned about his religion whatsoever.
Mike Huckabee - Has a record of suggesting tax increases across the board. To me this guy is an unknown quantity, but he's leading in Iowa at this point. He will require a lot more study before ruling him out. And here's my other question... is this guy electable against the Democratic front runner? Or is he just a nice guy from "out West".
Fred Thompson - Too old. Lack appeal. Spends a lot of time in Hollywood. Might have conservative tendencies, but I don't see him as picking up steam at all. I can't see him beating an energized Obama, or debating Obama. This is a funny idea gone mad.
Alan Keyes - Enough already. Bright guy, solid conservative, and a fabulous debater on the issues. But this train has no steam; this campaign has no legs. And for some reason, he's not attractive in the South.
Tom Tancredo - Time to drop out. Thanks for playing.
Duncan Hunter - Love 'em. Wish he had more money to get his message out. But no chance in heck.
Rudolf Giuliani - Yeah he's America's mayor and all that, but he's got a lot of scandals and issues of his own to contend with. And he's a guy that reformed himself on a dozen views just recently for the election. I believe people can change views, but this guy was pretty liberal a few months ago. What if he goes back to that line of thinking after he's elected? Who wants a Bloomberg style Presidency? Not me.
Ron Paul - Who the heck is Ron Paul? I know Libertarians love this guy. He seems to be gaining some popularity, but can he run with the big dogs on the stage of enlightenment?
So King, where does that leave ya?
Slight edge to Mitt Romney at this point over the field based on electability. On the issues, I'm slightly concerned, but he's not drastically out of line with the majority of Republican positions (at least at this stage), and Mormonism seems to be a concern for religion-haters who will push this issue during the general election - but this will be easier to deal with than 50 scandals out of New York. Mitt is articulate, he smiles, he looks the role, he likable, and he's probably one of the most electable of the leaders. I also think he would crush either Obama, Hillary, or Biden in the Presidential debates. He's even tempered, and doesn't get rattled. Yet I bet he can get Hillary twisted in eights. Sam Malone versus the wicked witch of the west. Now that would be something.
That's today's snapshot. If the primary where held today, I'd be voting for Mitt. We need to win in 2008.

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