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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Barack spells doom for Democrats; Hillary lives on

Is it me or is Barack standing in another white man's shadow? Oh wait, no racist jokes please.

To say that this has been a poor two weeks for Barack Hussein Obama is an understatement and a half.
It's clear to anyone that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr is a racist, or black nationalist as the media is now referring to him. The problem for Barack is that not only has Wright overshadowed Obama's message of unity and hope, but its turned Obama's campaign into a spiraling mess.
And its raised questions about the authenticity of what Obama claims are his core beliefs.
Like it or not, people judge you by the company you keep. And when given the chance to throw Rev. Wright under the bus, take the high road, and save his campaign, Obama took the wrong course of action. Instead of coming out strongly against the vile and despicable anti-white, anti-American rhetoric of Rev. Wright, he embraced him as a family friend, and a friend for life. Good God! He couldn't even follow the script.
Obama said he could no more rid himself of Rev. Wright then he could of his white Grandmother who admitted fear when black men walked by. Dumb response. What's the point?
Oh, I get it. Duh. There's enough racism to go around everywhere, so forget it. He did a better job throwing his wife's grandmother under the bus, anyone else in your family you want to belittle to try and help elevate Rev. Wright?
In the early 1970s, Richard Nixon gave his famous "Checker's speech", and today in Philadelphia with the statues of our Founding Heroes looking on, Obama gave his version, and failed to live up to the easy standard set by Nixon.
What's worse is what is being seen on every television channel across the globe (and I don't mean endless clips of Rev. Wright, although I'm sure that doesn't help) - Black Nationalists running their wide mouths spewing hate and anger in defense of Rev. Wright. And by each word, they run Obama's camp further into the ground. While blacks trumpet the "unfair treatment in a white man's world" malarkey, the ground that Obama won seems to be eroding fast.
Neutral whites, independents, and some white Democrats are beginning to question the authenticity of Obama's claims that he can reach out and unify people based on race, creed, gender or party. If Rev Wright's horrific comments aren't enough for Senator Obama to not only distance himself from Wright, but repudiate him, then Senator Obama may not have any business running for President whatsoever.
As Hillary looks on with a gleam in her eye, she has to smell blood. The shark frenzy around her phony tear, and gender bashing seems mild to the racist rants of Rev. Wright and his loyal parishioner Barack Obama.
Hillary is rising fast. A few more primary wins, and its off to the convention for a blood bath where she could become the nominee. It's going to become brutal. And the DNC isn't stupid either, they are seeing a mess for themselves if Barack is the nominee and the party has endure six months campaign commericals showing Rev. Wright superimposed over Barack Obama.
For Republicans, this election cycle is a nightmare turned sweet. George Bush's last four years have been ugly. And Republicans went ahead and choose a cranky, aged, mean, old Democatic collaborator as their nominee. Yet the Democrats in their infinite wisdom have managed to give Americans the choice of a wide-eyed, unlikeable feminist, or an inexperienced Black man who took his Biblical learnings from a Black Nationalist preacher.
Wow. Who'd of guessed it? Like it or not, John McCain is going to be the next President of the United States. The Democrats have killed themselves. The great repudiation of George Bush will never happen.
I don't know whether to be happy or sad at any of this.

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