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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sunset at Watch Hill, RI

This is one of those photos I had to share.
As most folks know, I sold my beloved Catalina 27 over the winter of 2006-2007 in anticipation of the arrival of my second child.
Keeping the boat made little sense as the amount of use that I would have gotten out of her would have been slim to none. Trying to keep little children safe around docks and boats is a tall order. Boats have plenty of - let's just say - rough edges and hazzards that can't be childproofed like the inside of a home.
Then you throw in the costs of storage, dock fees, prep and paint, and winter storage, and you are talking a small fortune for something that would end up being a floating cottage. Then you throw in serious engine repairs due her like replacing the engine, and also replacing much of the wood holding the stations and mast and you are talking a slightly larger fortune.
Passing off "Stargazer" to a younger man with plenty of time and energy (and money to blow) was a wise decision. Although I miss the old girl, beat up and worn as she was. She was still mine.
Alas, I'm landlocked with only my dingy and outboard. Old "Belle" deflated sits in the basement waiting for another day, another time. And that time will come.
But, at least some scenic ports like Watch Hill are still accessible by car.
I captured a quick pic of one of my favorite ports in the Northeast. Our little family sat and watched the sun set while enjoying some homemade ice cream on the beach.

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