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Monday, May 24, 2010

Anglican Crisis deepens: Schori consecrates a Lesbian to Bishop of Los Angeles

The crisis in the Anglican communion deepened further this past week as Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori (Satan's representative on Earth) pushed forward the homosexual agenda by consecrating open lesbian Rev. Mary Glasspool as Bishop of Los Angeles which has led to a further distancing of the Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA) from the World-Wide Anglican Communion.

This act led to an outpouring of criticism from within the Anglican Communion including Bishop of the The Anglican Church of Peru, the Rt. Rev. Dr. H. William Godfrey - who condemned the action as "against all the teaching of Scripture and the Church." according to Further, published the following:

"The decision of the Episcopal Church of the United States of America to consecrate as a bishop a woman in a sexually active lesbian relationship is gravely concerning and wrong," he wrote to VOL."The Bishops of the Anglican Communion have consistently made clear the moral teaching of the Church in this respect, that practising homosexual and lesbian relationships, and practising heterosexual relations outside marriage, are incompatible with Christian teaching. (See Bishops' Resolution 1.10 at Lambeth Conference 1998.) With this clear discernment they have implored the Episcopal Church NOT to go ahead with the consecration of a person in such a relationship."Godfrey said God's purpose is for the gift of sexuality to be enjoyed in a life-long married relationship between one man and one woman, husband and wife.

This is not the first time ECUSA has pushed forward their agenda which dates back to the appointment of Gene Robinson, a homosexual activist, as presiding Bishop. Robinson's appointment reached a boiling point which started the Anglican Schism that is presently underway.

There is a bit of silver lining to the story. The intentional activist decision of Bishop Schori confirming another homosexual Bishops sets the stage for Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) to perhaps finally be recognized as an authentic Anglican Church within the Communion. Previously, there was fear that recognizing ACNA would be seen as an antagonistic action on the part of the Communion, however ECUSA's actions after repeated warnings may leave it little alternative that the the recognition is now necessary, else credibility of the Anglican Communion to take any measure to ensure a traditional legacy in the USA would be greatly diminished.

It is most conservative or traditional Episcopalian's view that the Anglican Communion is several years overdue in recognizing a separate traditional Anglican Church in the United States. The endless delays and calls for tolerance and discussion have led to a very weakened conservative constituency within the ECUSA. Thus, most traditionalist have already left the ECUSA for "higher ground" which was always the hope for the liberals within the ECUSA, and moreover hundreds of rectors have left the church in favor of other denominations, and are unlikely to return. Given such little response to years on inroads against the foundations of the Church, the ECUSA is nearly lost. With very little time left, the Anglican Communion must now look to assist the new Anglican Church gain respectability and ground through its formal recognition.
Anything less is unacceptable at this point.

A full reading of the ongoing cultural deterioration of the ECUSA via its recent Lesbian Consecration published by David Virtue can be found here and here.

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