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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

CTGOP Ethics Resolution Creators Punished!

Have you ever wondered how Connecticut Republicans who defy the will of State Party insiders are treated? Have you ever wanted to know how long-time conservative activists who've worked their hearts out to bring transparency and ethics to our processes are dealt with? Have you ever been curious about just how far Connecticut's Republican leaders would go to manipulate local politics in an attempt to punish whose who challenge the established order of things in order to affirm their power and control?

Well, this little story might shed some daylight on just that. This piece is meant to serve as cautionary tale for Republican activists who seek to change the status quo.

As you are well aware, in November of last year, two former Connecticut Republican candidates - Martha Dean, and Joseph Visconti created a set of resolutions to be entertained by Connecticut Republican State Central members which would require that delegates who are paid directly or indirectly by a campaign or its vendors would be required to wear a badge indicating their paid association with the sponsoring candidate.  The concept was meant to address the clear corruption evident at at the 2010 Connecticut State Republican Convention which saw Linda McMahon collude with paid delegates and RTCs to win the U.S. Senate nomination over Rob Simmons.

The resolutions, known publicly as the Dean-Visconti Resolutions, were presented out to State Central Members in December and were expected to be debated and voted on this month. The goal being to address the appearance of a conflict of interest ahead of delegate section prior this year's GOP State Convention.

It's has come to The King's attention that over the last week, insiders representing Lisa Wilson-Foley, and possibly Linda McMahon (with assistance of former State Chairman Chris Healy - a lead staffer for Wilson-Foley) have actively campaigned against the resolutions, and have tried to make backroom deals to punish those responsible for both creating, and presenting the resolutions up for consideration.  One does not need to be a rocket-scientist to recognize the dotted lines between the 2010, and this year's set of antagonists since the players have remained the same; only a few of the roles have changed. As a matter of record, The King has received communication from several RTC members which claim that Wilson-Foley, McMahon, and Healy have openly expressed their opposition to the resolutions, and their desire to make sure that "they go nowhere."

I will only address those things which are public and leave the sordid details of private conversations, and actions taken outside of the public purview alone - at least for the time being.

Last week West Hartford Republicans held their caucus to select Republican Town Committee Members to serve a 2-year term.  Former West Hartford Town Councilman and former First District Congressional Candidate Joseph Visconti was one of the individuals up for nomination for the WHRTC.  Long-time manipulators of WHRTC went out of their way to ensure that Visconti failed to be elected to the RTC.  As a matter of controversy, an employee of Wilson-Foley's campaign who only within the past few months moved to Connecticut (from Pennsylvania), and who has no service or accomplishment in West Hartford was intentionally selected by West Hartford insiders to serve on the RTC over Mr. Visconti.  The fact that Mr. Visconti has devoted years to helping West Hartford Republicans get elected, himself served with distinction, and has been a generous attendee at WHRTC Fundraisers made no difference; the fix was in.  The act of bouncing him from selection was out of pure spite, and a ploy unleashed in tag-team fashion between Lisa Wilson-Foley's campaign and Linda McMahon's camp to ensure that a McMahon activist was placed on the RTC.  (The connection between the Wilson-Foley camp and McMahon camp is well-documented - as even apparent on

Second and clearly not a coincidence, former 2-time CT Attorney General Candidate Martha Dean, attended the Avon Republican Town Committee Caucus last evening to seek election to Avon's RTC. As most people are aware,  Dean has been a regular attendee, and a consistent financial supporter of Avon Republicans for many years.  Using numbers as their weapon, Martha Dean was intentionally blocked by Lisa Wilson-Foley's supporters from being elected to Avon's RTC (information provided by witnesses to the travesty). For Godsake, this is how we treat a stalwart defender of constitutional rights, and one of the few Connecticut activists willing to stand up publicly to challenge the liberal agenda of the far left?  Ms. Dean has worked tirelessly to help Republicans across the state including even those with far more moderate positions than herself. This treatment is beyond outrageous!

The evidence is crystal clear to those willing to see it.  Visconti and Dean have been intentionally marginalized through the collusion of those who have long abandoned Republican ideals.  If you don't like an idea, eliminate the opposition - this is surely not in the mission statement of the Party of Lincoln that most of us have come to believe in. 

How will this effect the resolutions, or the State Convention. I guess we don't yet know.  But the public should understand that the requirement to become a Republican State Convention Delegate doesn't necessarily include being an RTC member, however - it's clear that RTC members are usually given first preference during the selection process.  The underlying reason for excluding both Visconti and Dean is to make their appointment to the State Convention Rules Committee nearly impossible, and their appointment as a delegate more complicated.

We humbly suggest that both West Hartford and Avon RTCs revisit was has transpired this past week, and reflect on the public ramifications of punishing loyal, hard-working, conservative activists to satisfy the goals of two multi-millionaire nominees who are using RTCs to advance their personal ambitions for public power and prestige. 

We call on West Hartford RTC Chairman Peter Martin, and Avon RTC Chairman Brian J. Ladouceur to correct this gross injustice and find Mr. Visconti and Ms. Dean spots on their respective RTCs - which they so justly deserve. Allow them to contribute and serve on behalf of the many ethical Republican constituents that they represent.  We ask you to rise above the corruption, and help them and Dean-Visconti restore respectability to the CTGOP which is long overdue.



Disclaimer: This entry and others will be modified/updated at a future date. All entries are for the sole purpose of entertainment


  1. Hah! Good luck - CT GOP is a rotten infestation of corrupt politics designed to get a true Conservative agenda nowhere. As long as boneheads continue to support people like McMahon and Foley then they get a party they deserve.

  2. Dear King:

    This may be the case but I sense a much deeper problem and that is the ties between the Tea Party and Joe & Martha. The RTC members prefer watered down Republicans who they can mold into RINO's to push their minority agenda that's appealing to the Democrats in power. SAD!!!

  3. This is how Mary Ann Turner conducts her affairs as well in the Enfield Republica Town Committee so it is not just Avon or West Hartford. Anybody who seeks transparency, leadership and integrity will be booted and teh insiders aid in this activity.

  4. King

    I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member !! (Groucho Marx) Too Funny

  5. Time for Dean and Visconti to form a new conservative party in CT. And for this team to run in 2014 against the corrupt and destroying nature of the Maloy lead government. Ned

  6. I don't think Martha Dean would support Wilson-Foley. Therefore she isn't an Avon RTC member. Typical politics.

  7. Mr King

    Will you be assembling a list of RTC's that have receieved donations from Ms WWE and if so can you cross reference it wih those RTC members on her brag list of supporters?


  8. Geez this is aweful. Guess we lose everything again this year. Thought Labriola would surely put a stop to this. I would switch to unaffiliated if I didnt want to vote in the Connecticut Presidential Primary in April. After that I'm bolting.

    J Leblanc

    ps - Please ask Linda McMahon and Lisa Wilson Foley why they stopped donating to Democrat Candidates? Maybe they got what they paid for?

  9. Just got home from work and a friend who follows you told me I had to check out this post. HOLY CRAP. Tag Team Mud Wrestlers McMahon and Lisa Wilson Foley donated to freakin Dems? Why did I not know that? I am OUTRAGED!!!

    Burnin in Vernon

  10. Vinny:

    That research is underway. RTCs must report donations from candidates and individuals (and third party vendors/lobbyists). I would urge every Republican to approach their town committee and ask if they've received a check from Linda McMahon (or any candidate for that matter). Folks should realize that usually RTCs donate to candidates - not the other way around.

    Another approach is to ask Mrs. McMahon's campaign directly. If she believes in transparency then she should be more than willing to provide a list of RTCs that she has donated to either directly or indirectly. If Mrs. McMahon has an ounce of respect for Connecticut Republicans, she will happily comply with such a request.

    Also, considering the state of things, the Connecticut Media could certainly conduct their own investigation, if they were so inclined. Of course, that's as long as those lobbyists who may have influence over the media don't find ways to squash any such investigation.

    My friend, this war is just beginning. We have not even touched the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of political reputations at risk. It saddens me greatly that we are at this juncture.

  11. Oh... and if you approach your RTC and they refuse to provide you with what you ask for...please let me know. I'll be more than happy to make a stink about it, and so would state officials. That being said, most Town Committees are above board and would be more than willing to provide this information. There are a lot of good people serving who have no idea what is going on with the Party or behind the scenes.

  12. "King" no one needs to "approach your RTC" regarding contributions from anyone, just look it up on the SEEC website, there's nothing for you to "make a stink" about. Party committees are required to report the name and address of anyone who contributes more than $50.00 to the committee in any calendar year.

  13. King, all list of donors and expenditures for RTC's and DTC's are available at the Town Clerk's office. Unleash Hell!!!!

  14. The queen needs to come clean with whom she is since what she wrote is slander.


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