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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

REPORT: Dean-Visconti Resolutions sent to Sub-Committee

Here is a quick update for those who've been following the Dean-Visconti Ethics Resolutions saga --

It was decided that there would be neither a full-fledged debate or a call for an up-or-down vote this evening.  Instead, the Resolutions will be sent to a sub-committee for study and/or possible modification.  The Committee will either accept or amend the Resolutions and forward them with their recommendation to the entire body for approval or rejection.

The Sub-Committee will be chaired by State Central Member Michael Vitali (Wallingford).  Given his reputation, Vitali is expected to be a fair and impartial arbiter.

The King would also like to recognize State Central Members Mr. Scott Veley and Mr. Mark Pappa for their courage and fortitude to present these Resolutions despite "pressure" not to do so.  And we would be remiss to not state our appreciation to CT Republican State Chairman Jerry Labriola, Jr., who stuck his neck out to make sure that the Resolutions would get a fair-hearing in Committee.  We believe that Chairman Labriola has a vested interest in running an impartial State Convention for both members and voters of Connecticut.

It's The King's View that the individuals selected to serve on this Committee should be left to study and review the Resolutions in detail without undue pressure and criticism from outside forces. After weighing the pros and cons, we pray they will come to the logical conclusion that the Resolutions should be passed not just for the good of the Connecticut Republican Party but more importantly - to better our political process in Connecticut.




  1. Who decided there wouldn't be a debate or a vote? What is going on here? If something is on the agenda then act on it, don't brush it under the rug. State Central is corrupt, time to clean house.

  2. The resolution is flawed and may not be legal. Best to vet the resolution(s) and bring them out for a vote. State central should err on the side of transparency and disclosure.

  3. The committee will have the opportunity to amend the resolutions. Asking paid delegates or paid campaign staffers to wear badges seems reasonable to most people. I cant imagine what is so illegal about it. Only those who have something to hide oppose wearing badges. Think of the dozens of McMahon staffers who roamed the Convention Floor in 2010 particpating in vote switching activity. It was out of control.

  4. This is Labriola's way of burying the Dean Visconti resolutions so they'll never see the light of day. This is an absolute outrage. I demand to know who is being paid by Linda McMahon. State Central's attempt to postpone action on this smacks of scumbaggery. The resolutions should be voted on at the next meeting, never mind what some subcommittee headed by Labriola's lackey and fellow Walligford resident Mike Vitaly has to say.

  5. Hey if your going to accuse a man you have never meet of impropriety you could at least look back in the King's post and spell the name right V-I-T-A-L-I

  6. Chill. The truth will come out.

  7. Who is on the committee that Mike Vitali is chairing? That's pretty important. Who dedided which State Central do-nothings are on the committee, Jerry Labriola, Brian Cafferelli or what? When are they going to meet? My guess is that Jerry will hand pick them and the resolutions will be dead and buried.

    King, please keep on this, we cannot let State Central continue to be irresponsible and unresponsive.

  8. Ethics Resolution Committee: Chair Mike Vitali, Mark Pappa, Mark Boughton, Scott Veley, Laurie Williamson, Diane Generous, Eva Maldonao

  9. So what happened, did they vote on these resolutions? There was a meeting last night and no one is on top of this.

  10. Short & long: The good guys got crushed by the McMahon- Lisa Wilson Foley pay to play gang. Article coming eventually. Bad night for ethics and transparency. Great night for Democrats watching intently while we collapse


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