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Monday, March 12, 2012

Meet and Greet: Mike Clark & Chairman Jerry Labriola, Jr.

Mike Clark is the only candidate
who can win in CT-5; the rest would be
mince-meat at the hand's of the CT Democratic Machine

I pass along as many of these as I can... but I have to say that this one is truly worth publicizing to the masses.

Meet and Greet for CT-05 Congressional Candidate
Mike Clark
Saturday March 24, 2012 7 -10 pm
Zulu Bar and Restaurant
901 Main Street, Hartford, Connecticut
(Corner of Pratt & Main Street)
Donation: $15-20

Here's an opportunity for you to meet one of the only serious Republican candidates currently running for Congress in the Nutmeg State, and that's none other than - Mike Clark. While many candidates have drawn up fictional accounts of their experience, or traveled around the state peddling half truths to one special interest group after another - you'll instead find that Mr. Clark is the real deal: consistent, honest, respected, and legitimate.

But don't take The King's word for it, I challenge you to go to and navigate to the issues tab and look for yourself. No ambiguous language that leaves you guessing where he stands, no bait and switch shenanigans, instead - just a refreshing, direct, no-nonsense outline of where Mr. Clark stands on the issues. Unlike his competition, Mr. Clark doesn't come from the imaginary world of politics where votes are bought, and anything flies; no, he comes with a legitimate background - working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation in New York City and elsewhere.

After working in NYC, he was transferred to Connecticut where he led investigations against municipal and statewide corruption. His work was so well-respected that he was awarded special recognition by the U.S. Attorney's Office in 2005 for his service to the residents of Connecticut.

Further, he now works in the private sector for Otis Internal Security Department, and he also served as Chairman for the Farmington Republican Town Council where he helped to maintain the third lowest mil rate in the region. Oh yeah, it's true that Mr. Clark didn't pawn away someone else's fortune to become a millionaire, and he hasn't wandered from campaign to campaign playing the favor-game - nope, he's earned his money the hard way - by actually working for it.

Even though this sounds like an endorsement, it's not. But you have to be excited about having at least one candidate in the Fifth Congressional District who is worth cheering for. The rest of the pack simply won't cut it.  If this campaign were were only about raising money as some would have you believe, than we wouldn't have to worry about issues to begin with, would we?  Well, the record shows that the public cares about principled positions after-all, and whether or not someone can blow $50 million dollars out of their own pockets, doesn't seem to matter one iota to the voting public.  The public wants somone they can actually believe in for a change.

Whether you're a Republican, a Conservative, a Tea Party Patriot, or an Independent Voter with a lot of questions - head down and meet with Mike Clark. You'll be glad you did!  And don't pass up the chance to chat with Chairman Jerry Labriola, Jr. too.  You can tell him it's nice to have a Chairman who puts the public ahead of his own personal interest!  and someone who wants to see the CTGOP win again!



This original blog entry can be found at
Disclaimer: This entry and others will be modified/updated at a future date. All entries are for the sole purpose of entertainment. This article does not imply endorsement of the candidate mentioned above, nor has this article been solicited for publication by any political candidate, campaign, or PAC.

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