Martha Dean: A Fool's Errand
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Even Conservatives Fear the Conspiracy Candidate |
The issue is not one of qualification per se (although God knows we have way too many ambulance chasers holding public office these days mucking up our personal lives through an overreaching political system) but one of conviction and more importantly - of purpose. Martha Dean's goal is to engage in a stratagem of self-promotion to improve her prestige with the gun lobby, enlarge her client base, and to damage the political aspirations of her Republican political enemies - most who happen to be less extreme than herself, and have a legitimate chance of actually winning the Governorship.
The facts are clear. Dean has privately told several Republican insiders that she has no intention of campaigning beyond the State Convention (her intention also captured in the CT Mirror piece here) which tells anyone with half a brain that she's already quit before she's started. Since Dean is well aware that the CTGOP Convention process is rigged in favor of the establishment candidate, and she has a snowball's chance in hell of winning then why - pray-tell would she even bother jumping in at this late hour?
"Martha Dean's goal is to engage in a stratagem of self-promotion to improve her prestige with the gun lobby, enlarge her client base, and to damage the political aspirations of her Republican political enemies - most who happen to be less extreme than herself, and have a legitimate chance of actually winning the Governorship. " - THE KING
The reason has much to do with her well-paid role as legal representative of several gun rights groups which may possibly include the Connecticut Citizens Defense League (CCDL), National Rifle Association (NRA) and others - which for disclosure - The King also supports. And given our State Government's antagonistic behavior toward those believing in our Constitutional right to bear arms - then what's a better platform for Dean to expand her client-base than using the CTGOP gubernatorial stage to offer her billable services? It's The King's View that it's a bit disingenuous for her to take up one second of podium time at any Republican Town Committee when she's already announced that she doesn't plan to go the distance! I would think twice before donating a penny to Martha Dean because she has no intention of being a serious candidate for Governor.
If Tom Foley, Chairman Jerry Labriola, John McKinney, and even Mark Boughton are paying attention (Joe Visconti is already actively engaged in Second Amendment advocacy), then not one of them should be happy to see Martha Dean turn the CT GOP Governor's Nomination process into a single-issue, Second Amendment media shot-storm! You think the media is celebrating now - just wait until the debates take place, and all the remaining candidates take collateral damage defending themselves against Dean's maniacal crusade!
The big problem for Chairman Jerry Labriola, Jr is that Dean's unhinged rhetoric will bring nothing but public scrutiny and humiliation upon the CTGOP. How does the head of Connecticut's Republican Party feel about a seeing one of his candidates for Governor make claims that the Sandy Hook Massacre might have been little more than a Government Conspiracy to erode Second Amendment Rights? Dean aired her half-cocked conspiracy on both John Rowland's show and on Face the State with Dennis House. The idiocy is unprecedented! The King can personally introduce Ms. Dean to a close friend of his who lost relatives on that horrific day. To politicize this matter this way is personally hurtful to all of those who honor both the Second Amendment, and the victims and families of the Sandy Hook nightmare.
Martha Dean fancies herself to be cut from the same cloth as the late, great British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. But the difference between the two is stark; for unlike Martha Dean, the principled Lady Thatcher - never ran from a fight. For example, back in 2010, Dean secretly met with a handful of Connecticut Republicans to discuss the clear and blatant corruption within Connecticut Republican Party Convention process. At the urging of others, she penned a set of revised Convention Rules, but when it came time to present them - like a coward, she ran away from the issue, asked that her name be taken off as the author of the recommended rules, and refused in any way, shape, or form to stand with her allies and fight for CTGOP ethics reform. Martha Dean is well known for saber rattling, but once the artillery starts firing, she's the first person to run away from a fight, and abandon her friends on the battlefield.
Another concern Republicans have about Martha Dean is that her convictions aren't genuine. Much like this gubernatorial run, she watches quietly from the sidelines, carefully calculating the moves of allies and enemies, and only after determining the coast to be clear - enters the field of battle. Her never-ending, Johnny-Come-Lately waltzing in on the scene is what has frustrates her own friends in GOP-land; many screaming that she's often done nothing tangible (and non-paid) on her own to contribute to the cause, but she'll be the first person to demand an opportunity to address a revved crowd. As everyone knows - there's never been a microphone that Martha Dean didn't like. Evidence of Dean's lack of political activism even lead to her being voted down from formal membership on the Avon Republican Town Committee. One RTC Member told The King, "Martha refuses help anyone but herself. She won't lift a finger locally. She doesn't want to get her hands dirty, and thinks campaigning on the local level is for the little people. Besides, none of what we do [in Avon] fills her coffers." If it's not for profit, it's not for Martha Dean.
To add insult to injury - in 2010, Dean publicly criticized then-candidate Jeff Wright of Newington for taking Citizens Election Funding for his State Treasurer campaign calling it UNCONSTITUTIONAL. She also criticized others. Now, only a few years later, Dean is taking what she once referred to as Taxpayer Welfare to run her own temporary spoiler bid for Governor. This shows Dean's lack of consistency, and exposes the hypocrisy of her feigned principle. When challenged about this by Jeff Wright, Dean said, "You can't win without it." Hasn't she earned enough off of the the gun lobby to finance five campaigns?
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Wright is Right. The whole Connecticut political establishment finds it interesting. You have to wonder how much longer, Good Ol' Tom will be smiling once Martha Dean gets rolling! |
Another question everyone is asking is since Dean's run isn't going beyond the State Convention, will she return every unused penny back to donors? Or will she turn the money over to a charity which will then in turn hire her to represent their interests thereby creating a back door money-making scheme?
Lastly, unlike other blogs on the web, we avoid getting into candidates personal lives. But I have to say that given what has been published by media sources during her last campaign, and with what she's initiated as of late, I'm gravely concerned that the current personal controversy being widely-discussed in political circles will have a long term negative impact on both her and her family. Sympathetic Martyrdom is not achieved through self-inflicted wounds. Her conscious decision to nail herself upon the cross for all to see (for a profit) - as she twists and turns in the wind - is hardly worth the pain and anguish she and her family will suffer at the hands of a hostile press. With Dan Malloy on the ropes for his incompetency, Dean has become the Democrats' "great white hope" for survival in 2014. Let's face it - she's a lightening Rod for GOP negativity which radiates from her out to the entire brand. Dean's claim that her announcement to run is "perfect timing" shows a real lack of judgement considering that the whole gambit is at stake.
Now I'm sure there are Republicans who love Martha Dean. She has some followers who are so out of their minds that they wouldn't care if she tried to pull a coup d'etat with a borrowed pistol (note to all: our pretended second amendment poster child doesn't even own a gun, let alone a pistol permit). And I'm sure her handful of brownshirts mean well when they blast her name everywhere. But they aught to know that legitimate candidates don't announce a run for big time public office only weeks before the Nominating Convention takes place. Martha Dean may have well gone to acting school, but she should have gone to scripting school - because there is no way in hell for her to have a happy ending. A Fool's Errand? It's already begun.
If Martha Dean loves her state, loves her country, loves her party, and loves her family, then she will not embark on a mission that will undoubtedly yield disastrous results for everyone involved, especially Republicans.
Martha is unelectable. The minute she starts talking people know something is very wrong. She has more screws loose than a Boeing Dreamliner.
Thanks, this made me want to vote for Martha Dean. If a person taking the name "The King" is against her I know I'm on the right path.
In case you didn't know it - Martha Dean was supporting Tom Foley until she decided to stab him in the back last week. Martha Dean can't be trusted for a minute. If she wants to be a judge - her pipe dream - she'll have to move to another state because no GOP candidate would take on the burden of nominating her for the post. Can you imagine being brought before Judge Dean in her menacing black robe?
Drew in Oxford
Ouch, what a hit piece, sobering, on the money and supplies way too much truth for Martha Dean to bear in one read. This will take Martha several weeks to fully absorb but will be worth the free therapy she is getting. Surely in the short run this piece will be used by her to gather the "I'm a victim" political sympathy support from unknowing mush for brains extreme right wing loonies until her mood swings from manic (when the real fun will begin).
Lonely in Avon
Martha is not the type of Female candidate that most mom's would engender. The GOP has a problem with women and she is not the answer. CT GOP lacks discipline when it comes to it's own message that's controlled by the RINO's in the CT HOUSE and is like powder puff football when the game requires smash mouth. Just because Martha posts religious quotes or pictures of Thomas Jefferson doesn't make her they type of conservative we need to turn around Connecticut.
King, you've not published one of my comments and I'm losing respect for you. !! If you have any guts you'll let the truth be known and stop blocking my voice! In the name of Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to stop doing Satan's work and let me speak!!
She is the "black-hearted one" because she:
1. Allegedly took money from her husband who loved her.
2. Allegedly divorced him after taking every last penny he came here with.
3. Allegedly used the Connecticut Court System to try to deport him back to his country.
King, you don't know know squat about this evil woman. You don't know how she's hurt my friend to the point where he cries at night and fears going to jail because she hates him and he no longer has a use.
She is no Christian woman!
(Please publish this now!)
We are only interested in the political positions and impact of Dean's entry into the race. I didn't publish your other comments because they seem a little over the top. Had you not used "allegedly" in your last comment - they wouldn't have been published. I still may delete them. Whatever happens in a politician's personal life should remain off the record. Let the press do the research as they have in the past. You should focus on Dean's agenda, and not her personal life. My point was that given her issues, that this isn't the best time to run because of the negative exposure to her and her family, and - of course - first and foremost - impact the party.
The King
I don't know about the rest of this political stuff, but her comments about Sandy Hook were disgraceful. As an independent voter, I will not vote for someone this extreme. Period.
Martha Dean has a message of hate. I remember the Ross Garber commercials with her going on about arming students or something ridiculous. Dean is a danger to society.
Didn't Dean support Chris Shays last Senate election? Then she switched to McMahon after Shays started to slip in the polls?
Martha has every right to run for office, I wish she would have chosen to run for Attorney General,the role suits her best. Sad to read the KIng and his assessment of her but it's truthful. Horrible how political life can be so hurtful to one's sense of privacy but I guess that's why so few step up to the plate. Martha will fade as she has doomed herself to failure right out of the gate and that's such a shame. She really should not have acted so impulsive and planned ahead for such a task.
No one at State Central is happy about her injecting herself in the race. Everyone agrees with you that she's bad news for the Republican brand, but there's not much we can do about it except ignore her. She's self-centered enough to run as an Independent candidate. As for her personal life, everyone should stay out of it, but pray for her ex-husband who as I understand it is being barred from some political events because she is present which is what she wanted to have happen. She is a wicked woman crying "victim". But no one is buying it.
Also, I'm supporting Tom Foley and I think she will try to hurt his campaign. I were Tom, I wouldn't go to any debates and get caught up in her trap.
No one at State Central is happy about her injecting herself in the race. Everyone agrees with you that she's bad news for the Republican brand, but there's not much we can do about it except ignore her. She's self-centered enough to run as an Independent candidate. As for her personal life, everyone should stay out of it, but pray for her ex-husband who as I understand it is being barred from some political events because she is present which is what she wanted to have happen. She is a wicked woman crying "victim". But no one is buying it.
Also, I'm supporting Tom Foley and I think she will try to hurt his campaign. I were Tom, I wouldn't go to any debates and get caught up in her trap.
You have it wrong again, King! You missed the underlying plot - Martha Dean entering the race hurts which candidate most? Joe Visconti! Think about it for a second...of course Tom Foley hired Martha Dean to screw Joe Visconti out of votes so he doesn't make his 15% required to qualify for the primary ballot. If that happens, Foley won't have to debate Joe nor defend his moderate positions. Martha Dean's pay off is a big fat check and an appointment.
Her timing is perfect. She waited until after the poll came out to run. You are right that it's not a real run for her own sake, it's so she can screw Joe Visconti. And that's a very crappy thing to do to someone who she used to call a friend. That's shows you that's she has zero integrity or loyalty.
I hope others will see through her. I'm surprised you didn't. If she has to go on stage with the candidates - you watch - she won't dare put her master - Tom Foley in a bad light. Mark my words!
A pissed off Visconti Supporter!
I'll be surprised if crazy Martha has "thousands" of people that she claims will be at her announcement tonight.
So will she. Then she'll claim she never said that she expected "thousands". See how that works? It's the old bait and switch a-rooney!
Well, I hope she's not being cheap and at least feeding people for their inconvenience.
The King
Mr. King,
Where were you? You were missed.
Hey King...
Here's an update for you. Chairman Jerry Labriola, Jr has been telling Republicans statewide that he's not happy with Martha Dean entering the race, but he's not about to come out publicly and denounce her as some have requested over her Newtown truther comments (no surprise there).
Labriola is telling everyone to ignore Dean because "she'll implode on her own" and that she's a "ticking time bomb" that has all the other GOP candidates are concerned that she will put them on the defense with her extremist views, and hurt the Republican Party's eventual nominee's chances in the general election. I heard that Labriola was attacked by Dean on stage at some rally but I don't know where - do you? Labriola says that Dean will probably go after John McKinney over his gun stance, and make trouble for Foley and Boughton too.
Keep writing. We missed you!
Both Martha Dean AND Joe Visconti are people that I trusted for the truth in CT politics, I've stood with and for both of them at many rallies and events, this article by the King really saddens me, I don't know what's going on, but I think I'll stay away from both candidates for now, Tom Foley is not my first choice, but I can't stomach what's going on here, sorry King, I know you won't post this, I just want you to read it, and share it with Joe, thanks...
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