Christopher Coutu: The incredible shrinking candidate
Someone sent me this tidbit and it was all too entertaining to not post it.
It appears that State Representative Christopher Coutu is back in the press again. A few weeks ago, Coutu was warned by The King that by putting up his Congressional signs all over the 2nd Congressional District that he was trampling on local races, and pissing off local candidates who are working day and night trying to keep their voters focused on their upcoming municipal contests set for November 8th of this year.
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"But I'm telling ya... the snow is murder on dem dar signs." |
So I wasn't surprised to see this letter to the editor by a voter who seems to have had it with Mr. Selfish. The piece is almost funny because you can almost hear the angry tone of the writer who is clearly furious with Coutu's mojo.
But here's the kicker - the part that made me laugh out loud, and really has everyone wondering how this guy's little mind works - Coutu apparently acknowledges that he's upset several Republican Town Committees by putting up his signs too early, and when interviewed by the Norwich Bulletin on October 19th, they wrote:
Coutu said he will pull the signs after the municipal election season — to save wear and tear on them and to make sure the public gets a break.
Gets a break? Are you kidding me? So help me out - he's still driving all around the Second District this week plastering his name up all over place - to do what? To simply muck with local elections, confuse voters, and then AFTER elections are over, and the damage has been done - he'll drive around and take them down? That doesn't make a bit of sense to anyone with a rational mind. Of course, being Mr. Selfish - his only concern is with saving his precious signs from the bad weather.
Is this guy for real? It's one thing to think something this idiotic, but its another to actually say it! And say it to the Press!
Well, at least local candidates know where they stand with Mr. Coutu. Simply amazing!
I know it seems like I'm coming down harshly on this guy - alleged to be one of our own, but since he obviously only cares about Numero Uno, he deserves a good arse-kicking.
And Coutu - if you can stop chewing gum, and stop shadow-boxing in the Legislative Chamber for a moment, I have a bit more advice for you. If you are going to run on the big stage - please try to get your story straight. I mean, really.
In the article above you told the Norwich Bulletin that you've "had [your] eye on the U.S. House and the seat held by Democrat Joe Courtney since 2006. But then in your blog article in the Haddam-East Haddam Patch, you say you planned on running just under a year ago after your daughter was born.
Now I don't mean to minimize the incredibly wonderful way that you're caring for your daughter (and she is beautiful and a walking miracle to behold) but if you are going to use her as a prop, and as your inspiration for your run for Congress - then for Godsakes - stick to that one story. If on the other hand, you want to run because the sight of Joe Courtney representing Eastern Connecticut makes you sick to your stomach - then say that. But please - get your story straight, and don't deviate from the script.
The people over in the Second District will have to make their own decision on who to vote for in the primary next year - whether it's this Coutu Character or Daria Novak, or some other candidate waiting in the wings to announce. Whatever you do, look at the total package - and remember that decency and courtesy do matter because it's a sign on how this person will actually represent you in Washington. And least not forget - the ability to articulate a position beyond three staggered sentences is going to be very important when going up against a professional liar like Joe Courtney.
As far as I'm concerned, Joe Courney and his corrupt UConn-Mansfield Acorn crack-squad stole the Second Congressionial Seat illegally from Rob Simmons. It's high time that the Second Congressional seat came back home to the GOP where it belongs. It would be nice to see at least some Connecticut residents represented properly in Washington in 2013.
Stop the selfish antics. Let's get it together.
This original blog post can be read at
Coutu's strategy to put up his obnoxious signs now shows an arrogance that many in the 2nd district will not accept. He thinks the voters are so ignorant that we will think we are voting for an incumbent in 2012. No way, Coutu. We are doing our homework and your deceptive tactics won't work here!
'twas interesting to see the antics of this guy the other day on the TV. I just happened to catch that Coutu conveniently got a news interview off of the fact that he was one of the few dissenting votes on the jobs bill. He's got energy alright, but I don't believe he's got the smarts. But I guess this too, is typical of the D.C. representation these days; Coutu would fit right in, sadly enough. Great eye for the detail, King, in finding that Coutu has 2 very different reasons for being... a 2nd Congressional candidate. Untrustworthy from the start.
Coutu is not ready for Congress. He should stay in Hartford and gain experience there before he takes a shot at the Congressional seat. Why would he want to give up his "hard fought" seat so easily when we need all of the Republicans we have and more in Hartford? Makes no sense except that going to DC is his career goal. Not a good reason for We the People to elect him!
Coutu is not ready for Congress. He should stay in Hartford and gain experience there before he takes a shot at the Congressional seat. Why would he want to give up his "hard fought" seat so easily when we need all of the Republicans we have and more in Hartford? Makes no sense except that going to DC is his career goal. Not a good reason for We the People to elect him!
The people over in the Second District will have to make their own decision on who to vote for in the primary next year - whether it's this Coutu Character or Daria Novak..."
"...or some other candidate waiting in the wings to announce."
Show me some indicator that the CT GOP isn't only for principle and solid objectives in mere speech, but that it also has the institutional ability to allow such a candidacy to flourish.
Then, and only then, I would make a Republican bid for the Second.
Remember that the election happens in November, not August. Remember also that there is an opportunity here when it comes to prosecuting mortgage fraud, knowing the Constitution and squarely committing oneself to a course of action and willing to risk jail should the inner circle get the best of you. You have a myruad of problems we've failed to discuss because political correctness robbed us of our reason and common sense. Discussing those problems, in detail, places you in the favor of the people and against the party machinery greasing the nomination skids.
Otherwise, the choice on the GOP nomination has been made. The sooner it's acknowledged, the sooner you'll all figure out the how, why, when and where of it, and by virtue of doing the same, how you undo it.
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