Make Election Day a Referendum on Gov Malloy and Democrats
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CT polls are open until 8 pm tonight! There is no such thing as an off-year election! |
Over the last several months, we've seen several chain and local businesses close up shop. Take a quick drive down the Berlin Turnpike and look at the number of newly-closed businesses along the strip including Friendly's and Circuit City, just to name a few. Connecticut's unemployment rate has been hovering around 9% for the entire year with many people losing their homes to foreclosure which are also up sharply. None of this has caused the Democrat majority to pause and think about the root cause of Connecticut's ills - in fact, Connecticut has gone out of it's way to compound the problem by mandating sick pay on businesses, and even promoting a scheme that requires taxpayers to foot the bill for diapers - causing people to cry out - What color is the sky in their world at the State House? Hurricane Irene, and the October Snowstorm have added additional stress on both residents and business; the result is expected to be millions in lost revenue, and unexpected increases costs for services being provided at the local level. At the end of the day, given our present course under one Party rule, the prospects of recovery in the Nutmeg State are gloomy.
Governor Dannel Malloy has been in office for nearly a year. His early strategy of blaming his predecessor for the State's woes is obviously a page right out of the Obama playbook - and that’s proven to be an unacceptable strategy with Connecticut residents. Connecticut residents are largely under-represented by a mega-majority of Democrat electors in the State House, Governor's mansion and even at the Federal Level. Given this, it’s not a surprise that the failed, rehashed liberal policies which have led to a continuous slide in Connecticut's economy are, in fact, the result of one party Legislative rule over 40+ years in Connecticut. Today Connecticut will have a unique opportunity to send a message to Governor Malloy and the Legislature by electing pro-business, pro-growth Republicans to Municipal Office. If its true that the buck stops at local government, returning those Republicans who currently hold mayorships and serve on trusted Boards around the state will be more critical now than at any time in our history - and eradicating those Democrats who have had a tenured stranglehold on political office is twice as critical.
If Connecticut residents empower Democrats to continue to hold elected office, then there will be absolutely no opportunity to stop Connecticut's downward spiral into oblivion. Unfortunately, the burden of reversing course will rest largely on the shoulders of both private sector workers, and soccer- moms because those individuals living on the public dole have everything to lose by seeing a shift back to sound economic, and pro-growth policies. Remember, Democrats have the added advantage at this and at every election - many union, public sector employees, and government workers have been granted the day off (many are union paid) to stand at the polls to sway voters and sell their self-serving agenda. It is no wonder that at key poll stations, we often see a 4 to 1 misrepresentation of Democrat poll workers to Republican workers. It will take focus and determination by voters to see past the smiling faces of tax and spend proponents, and cast a vote for responsible Municipal Government.
If the warnings about continued counter-productive economic policies don’t sway you, perhaps the folly of the past week’s October Storm will. While Governor Malloy enjoys passing out donuts to state employees at DOT garages, and lording over the microphone at the Emergency Operations Center, his ability to lead is questionable. After holding weeks hearings after Hurricane Irene, and collecting thousands of pages of data and testimony, its clear that very little has progress has been made in the way that Connecticut handles a single emergency response, let alone two occurring back-to-back. Blaming out of state agencies for an underwhelming response, Governor Jodi Rell for not cutting enough trees, and letting C&Ps Jeff Butler run a dog and pony show at his expense is not good leadership. Connecticut residents,100,000 who are still in the dark, have lost confidence in Governor Malloy's ability to lead or manage an emergency of this scale. And his temperment is seriously unprofessional.
It is no wonder that Dan Malloy's disapproval rating is the highest of any Governor in the Continental US - under 40%. This past week, we noted that several of his advisers even rotated out of his office to new positions suggesting serious issues within the Governor's Office. And if you think that is bad, look at the collusion between the Governor's Office and many Democrat-led cities including Simsbury's Mary Glassman and West Hartford's Scott Slifka who've shifted their criticism almost entirely to CL&P; now giving Governor Malloy a free-pass on a debacle he owns! Simply amazing! Simply partisan! Democrats, thick as thieves, never, ever break with the Party line! And the evidence is plain to see for anyone willing to look!
And lastly, a clear reminder to Connecticut Republicans - there is no such things as an "off-year election". Every election counts, and this one is no different. Municipal Elections are grooming grounds for our next set of State and Federal Elected Leaders. By making sure that Republicans are elected to majorities across our 169 town municipalities, we can accomplish two things - 1) Ensure responsible Government at the local level where Connecticut's residents are truly represented, and 2) Grow our own pool of future State and Congressional Leaders (while throwing a wrench in the Democrat machine's breeding and incubation center). These elections are important! And if you look at a map (I couldn't find the latest to post) of Connecticut Towns where Republicans are entrusted to represent the people, Republicans hold an overwhelming majority! Let's keep it that way!
Connecticut can send a message today that Republicans are the preferred choice when it comes to sound and responsible municipal management. Let this election be a referendum on Governor Malloy's first pathetic year in office, and on the Democrat controlled State House's never-ending assault on the paychecks of Connecticut Taxpayers.
Please join me in voting Republican today!
This original blog entry can be read at
Article may be revised at a future date.
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